General Practitioner
Dr Rachel Chander
Dr Chander Studied at Leicester Medical School, qualifying as a doctor in 2011. She specialised as a General Practitioner in 2017. Since then, she has honed her expertise in minor surgery, facial aesthetics, and weight loss management.
With a year's tenure at a leading trauma centre, she honed her expertise in burns and plastic surgery, emerging as a skilled junior specialist. This experience was instrumental in refining her surgical techniques, particularly in minor skin procedures. Her pursuit of excellence led her to Harley Street, London, where she further specialised in facial aesthetics and injectables, enhancing her repertoire of medical skills.
Dr Chander also has a specialist interest in weight management and her approach through the use of weight loss injections is a cutting-edge method that has gained popularity for its effectiveness. These injections, which include options like Mounjaro work by mimicking natural hormones that regulate appetite and glucose levels, aiding in weight reduction when combined with a healthy diet and exercise regimen. They are an innovative solution for those who meet certain medical criteria and are seeking a scientifically supported method to aid their weight loss journey.
Dr Chander is a member of the Royal College of General Practitioners (2017) and Royal College of Surgeons, England (2021), following passing postgraduate membership examinations.