Our Blog
Introducing Raman - the Dentalia implant expert
Raman has been with us for a while now and has established himself as a firm favourite with our patients for his excellence and calm...
Today is a very SPECIAL day.
Not one, but TWO of our dentists are getting married on the same day. No, not to each other! It is a pure coincidence, but Xenia...
Music to soothe the savage dentist!
Lots of dental practices have music, but not live music. If you are sitting in Reception with a nice cup of tea and wonder where...
Open all hours
We understand that many of you lead busy lives and cannot always make time during a normal working day to visit a dentist. We think...
Congratulations to Manisha!
Manisha completed her training with Dentalia earlier this year and is now a fully qualified and registered Dental Nurse. She is an invaluable member of...
Introducing Helen
Helen Patrick is our new Practice Manager and Treatment Coordinator. Helen is not only a qualified and registered Dental Implant Nurse and Radiographer, but also...
Dentures R Us
Dave Bevan, our Clinical Dental Technician, joined Dentalia in March. Dave was one of the first Clinical Dental Technicians to be registered and therefore has...
Up, up and away!
Dentalia has expanded and developed in the long interval since my last blog entry and I hope to be back to posting updates fairly regularly...
Welcome to Nick
Dentalia has a new dentist!! His name is Nick and he comes with lots of experience in endodontics (that's root canals to you) which is a ...
Just in case .....
Today is the day we all do our annual emergency first aid training. That means playing with models (and volunteers) and defibrillators, administering oxygen and performing...
Dentures from the experts
In the next few weeks, many of you will find a Dentalia leaflet on your doormat. We are distributing over 35,000 leaflets in the Basingstoke...
Where do dentists go for their treatment?
I know the answer to that for some. Even dentists who do not use our dental laboratory, except, of course, for their own or their...