Little things mean a lot

One of those little extras Dentalia provides to denture customers is a free ultrasonic cleaner.   It’s a small battery-powered device which cleans right into those little crevices, reaching the parts which normal cleaning doesn’t. We put a lot of effort and care into our dentures and we want our patients to be able to keep them as nice as possible. Patients tell us that they make a beautiful job of cleaning their new dentures. An added bonus is that they are very good for cleaning small items of jewellery and the like – it’s what the jewellers use.   A word to the wise though: don’t use it on emeralds, because the tiny flaws, which all emeralds have, were traditionally filled with oil to enhance the appearance and the cleaner can remove that. John

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Dentalia Blog

Get your spring glow on with our facial aesthetics offer

Get your spring glow on with our facial aesthetics offer

Spring is in the air, and with it comes a renewed sense of energy and a desire for freshness in every aspect of life. Just...

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Show your smile some love with our Valentine’s teeth whitening offer 

Show your smile some love with our Valentine’s teeth whitening offer 

 It’s almost Valentine’s Day, so rekindle the romance by falling back in love with your own smile ♥️. This February we are offering you a...

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